
“Creating a healthy society is a shared responsibility”
A new column (in Dutch) of Denise de Ridder in the NRC responding to the discussion provoked by a statement of a general practitioner who claimed that diabetes patients should eat more vegetables instead of using medication. Is a healthy lifestyle the responsibility of individuals or the society as a whole?
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Keynote lecture Paul Leseman: creativity is a situated skill
Paul Leseman was keynote speaker at the Symposium on Creativity from an Embodied-Situated Cognition Perspective, on October 5, 2018, organized by the interdisciplinary Utrecht Platform for Creativity and Education (UPCE, supported by Utrecht University) and Webster University, Zürich. In his talk, Leseman outlined a view on creativity as based on detecting unusual or new affordances for…
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Volkskrant interview Denise de Ridder
Denise de Ridder was interviewed by the Dutch newspaper the Volkskrant about her work around Prompted Rationality on Monday October 8. You can read her article (in Dutch) here:
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Reflection session in Breaking Habits at KNAW
Friday October 5, a special reflection session on affordance and imagination was organized for a small group of members of various sections of The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). The event took place at the Mondriaan Fund, in the work and meeting place Breaking Habits, which is co-developed by one of the…
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